Spencer Julien:
I’m excited for the opportunity to continue growing our movement here in Parkdale—High Park.
It’s a big year ahead — working to re-elect Bhutila, laying the groundwork to elect a New Democrat MP, and continuing to strengthen our organizing capacity. It has been wonderful to serve as the Volunteer Coordinator for the past year, and I hope to have your support to continue that work.
Debbie King:
Governing with acute respect for human rights is the only healthy way forward for our Parkdale—High Park community—one where diverse ethno-racial realities intersect with every issue of the day.
The Ontario NDP is doing inspiring work to engage community members and leaders like myself—racialized folx with experiences, expertise and voices that must be represented in order to achieve meaningful change and positive outcomes—for people and the party.
In addition to living, working and raising my family in Parkdale, I’m honoured to serve in this exciting role, applying my broad experience in committee, communications and anti-racism work to strengthen our community. Thank you.
Francis Kung:
It has been an honour serving as the Federal PHP President for the past year, and I am looking forward to building on all that we've done together!
I am inspired by the dedication of New Democrats across the riding, who have stepped up to support our neighbours and create a more just and equitable society, one person at a time.
This is also the spirit we need to bring to Ottawa, and I'm ready to help elect an NDP MP and government that has our back.
Lulu Larcenciel (for Persons Living with DisAbilities Committee Representative):
I am an engaged and motivated autistic and disabled advocate, active in the PLWD committee and various federal and provincial level activist and research groups. I'm hoping for and excited to keep working with the NDP to improve our disability representation and expand our support in disability communities and PHP communities as a whole.
Lulu Larcenciel (for 2021 Federal Convention Delegate):
I'd like to be at convention as a delegate not just for PHP, where i was born and raised and love, but also for the disabled community and specifically the autistic community. I am active and engaged in the disability committee of the party, and feel motivated to attend the convention as a representative of this area - our concerns are so rarely brought to the floor and I feel equipped to call attention to solutions for the ways Canadian policy lets down disabled folks.
Jill Marzetti:
I am a longtime activist. Most recently I have managed the campaigns of Bhutila, Cheri, and Peggy. Together we need to work together to re-elect Bhutila and take back the federal seat.
Leah Rowlinson:
Jason Wagar:
It's been an honour to serve as the provincial President, our provincial Election Planning Committee Co-Chair, and as a Provincial Council Delegate of the Parkdale—High Park NDP since our last AGM.
Despite the challenges of the past year, our Association volunteers have worked hard to engage our neighbours and further strengthen our capacity to run winning campaigns. We’re organized, resourced, and ready.
I'm excited to build on that success and re-elect Bhutila Karpoche as our MPP, elect a New Democrat MP, and continue to support our incredible communities here in #ParkHP.
Rob Welch:
It has been an honour to serve as the Data Co-ordinator with the Parkdale—High Park EDA in 2020. I’m encouraged by the progress we’ve made together this year on record-keeping, process and data-driven planning. I would be excited to continue to contribute in 2021, and to support the crucial organizing and campaigning ahead of us.